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Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Death A Contemplation: Of Time and Fabric of Life

(Earlier I started this series to try to contemplate death from the data and phenomenon we encounter in our real life free from the burden of religion and scriptures. I posted last post (4th part) in 2015 but ever since regularly receiving requests to continue the same. So I am trying to bring some more perspectives. But please bear in mind that I am nothing and these are just my views…(phantasm)

(Click here for earlier posts)

Whether life is really as complex as it seems or whether it should have been as complex as we have made it? One of my very religious friend (he thinks so) once was telling me the value of religion because without it people may not be having any awareness about God. That friend is one of those who think that wearing a uniform and doing worship is religion. Religion for them is a belief not an experience...a part of their being. Just like Bravery (or fearlessness)- can someone say that he "believes" in bravery? No... because Bravery is an experience, a part of our is a manifestation of our innate being/character because by believing alone one can't live his life like a warrior. Simialrly, Religion is not just a belief but a thirst, a yearning to know, experience and understand what we are and this life and then we just transform and transcend into higher dimensions. Religion enters into our life for the first time when we realize the uselessness and shallowness of our joy, social and physical achievements because death will end all this without much effort…when we realize music fills us more than food.

I told him that truth is not a subject…not a linear path which we need to follow by reading scriptures…in fact truth is multi-dimensional and everywhere…right in front of our eyes…no need to look up to the sky all the time. Proof of a supreme power is everywhere….in fact GOD is looking straight into our eyes….right now.

The Fabric of Life: GOD is looking straight into our eyes

Our bodies are made of atoms which have nothing in them but just empty space. If we remove all the empty space in all the atoms of our bodies the resultant thing will be invisible even under microscope. In fact the size of entire human population without space is smaller than a sugar cube. So it simply means we are not physical and we feel ourselves, consciousness not at physical level but at non-physical level (Spiritual). If we can see that our bodies are only vacant space then doors of spirituality starts opening without any sort of religious baptism or rituals. And we can see the bridge connecting science with religion. So our body does not contain our spirit….we are just a spirit…consciousness. And in fact this is shocking why we need the evidence from scriptures, wordy assurance of a so called Guru (who asks others only to believe his words and all ends there). And when we realize this fact then we find all our fears fading away and we find our consciousness spreading vast and this experience is what we regard as spiritual experiences…similar to what our old Sages felt when they attained that state of mind.

That's why fearlessness is the first sign (may be the only one...all else like compassion, Non-attachment etc. are just its expansions) of religion because most of our fears are attached with death so when we are not a body but pure energy, consiousness then all fears, limitations attached with our physical existence fade away. That's why we can see our Gurus accepting death just like morning fear, no grief or sense of loosing something because they know death is not a barrier but a bridge. Just see our today's so called Gurus...can we see any spark of fearlessness in their eyes?

Our DNA carries the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms. DNA contains the information about progression of life. Before the advent of DNA, our life was thought of an outcome of some very complex chemical reactions and then Darwin happened to further explain the evolution. But DNA proved that life follows a coded path or information in cells. But nobody could prove the origin of this “Information” in DNA. Just as “1” and “0” (binary codes) acts as the characters to write a code in our computer softwares similarly there are four different chemicals (proteins) shown as A, T, G, and C which function just like our machine codes. The length of this DNA in every cell of our body is staggering 3 billion words long!!! Also, 99.9% of our DNA is similar to all other human beings and my uniqueness is defined by the fractional difference in how those three billion letters are sequenced in our cells.

Our DNA is not our regular matter or energy but they are information processing centers. Information is not an outcome of natural chaos like a pattern of clouds which may resemble a human face. Information is a creation and is always created by intelligence beings just like our computer program. We can see some random alphabet in the pattern of clouds but what if we see a long pattern of clouds resembling   “HCG Ltd is valued at 10 times its EBITDA while others are valued 20 times EBITDA”. This line is not a pattern but this is a complex set of information and it is not possible that it can be formed randomly by natural chaos. And our DNA is complex beyond imagination spanning 3 billion words in every cell in every living being. This only means that it is the creation of some superior being like God….intelligent design.

The Fibonacci series where every successive number is a sum total of preceding two numbers (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 . . .). Remarkably whole nature is built on the basis of this series. It is nature’s way of perfect design. This Divine Proportion is the division of a given unit of length into two parts such that the ratio of the shorter to the longer equals the ratio of the longer part to the whole or, when a line is divided such that the ratio of the longer part of the line to the whole is exactly the same ratio as the shorter part of the line is to the longer part. This ratio is golden mean or phi, which is approximately 1.61803. The higher you go in the Fibonacci sequence, the more closely the ratio between two successive numbers in the sequence approximates phi.

Everything in the universe seem to be following this design- petals of flowers, our DNA, tree branches, Galaxies, seed patterns of sunflowers Anything built on the basis of this ratio look perfect and beautiful. The most amazing fact is that the information to produce spirals, leaves and numbers in living things in this pattern is stored in the DNA. When the master programmer (GOD) was busy in the creation of life…space, matter and DNA created the basic material but he needed the life to follow a particular pattern, design otherwise the things would fall in places as the petals of flowers could grow anywhere and self-destruct so he created a perfect design also which we know as Divine proportion or Golden mean or Fibonacci series. Flowers of a tree can fall onto the ground in any pattern but their physical demonstration is reflected in Divine proportion.

Shapes proportioned according to the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing throughout many cultures, and is still used frequently in art and design, suggesting a natural balance between symmetry and asymmetry. Gize pyramids are also based on this ratio, Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh used this ratio extensively in their artwork, so as many other artists from ancient Greece and Egypt in many of their artworks.

There are a number of such evidences which are spread all around us which point towards some Supreme Being as the creative force behind all this. This Supreme Being the GOD first of all created the basic material which I call Fabric of life- and then he weaved life with all its features like DNA, Space (ether), birth, growth, time and death.

Who understands this Fabric of Life

And there are fellows who have the knowledge of this Fabric of life, its composition and origin. We call and regard these fellows as Deities or sages. As they understand the Fabric of life so they have the capability to manipulate or redesign the same- acts which we regard as miracles.

Here I remember something- it was perhaps in the year 2001 when my cousin brother gave me a computer game named “Future cop” where a Robotic cop accomplishes missions killing and destroying enemies and enemy posts. If the cop is killed then game is over. It took quite an effort from me to complete various levels of that game as many times the Cop was killed midway in the mission. There was life capsules scattered all over the enemy zone but still it was tough to fight with those extra doses of life.

But one day my cousin brother told me about the cheat codes of the game where by pressing some keys I could recharge the life level any time and at any stage of the game. And after that game was a cake walk. Cheat code was activated by pressing some combinations of keys like Alt+Ctrl+Delete and then pressing shift 5 times. If we can see this from the point of view of the enemy army then our Robo Cop was doing miracles like anything and they must have been terrified. But our Robo Cop was just manipulating the Fabric of life of that game because he understood the fabric, composition and origin…everything.

The case is similar when we see our sages doing miracles. Like in 1960’s one indian Sage Swami vishudhanand who performed some remarkable feat in front of one English Journalist by using Surya Vigyan. He created Jasmine and Rose fragrance out of thin air, then they killed a sparrow which he brought back to life by manipulating the sun rays. Swami vishudhanand is said to had visited “Gyan Ganja” a mythical place claimed to be situated in Parallel dimensions in Himalayas.

We hear many things about various spiritual powers like invisibility, levitation, third eye, telepathy etc. All these look part of fantasy world when we take our world as mere physical phenomenon but if we  can understand the base material of our world then we can see that nothing is impossible here…whatever we can think is possible here because there is no real physical limitations…it is all in the design and composition. Our Miracle Sages could expand their consciousness to higher dimensions (beyond our 3D world) so they can do things which look impossible to us. Just like a being living in 2D world (surface) is locked in a 2D room but a 3D being can bring him out of the room through 3rd dimension of height which is invisible to 2D being. 3D being can pick the two far corners ( Corner A and Corner C of a flat surface) of a surface and make them touch each other in 3rd dimension resulting in time travel for 2D beings.

(There is also quite a possibility that we are created/improved by highly evolved aliens but that would only create another layer between God and us…all else remains the same. This alien touch may also explain the missing link between ape and human in Darwin’s evolution theory and that missing link or gap never happened at all…there is no time gap and we might be created right from the ape to this human image.)

Still the design and structure of our world looks crude

But if you ask me then we are not at the top of hierarchy. Our world does not appear absolute in design and structure. If we can see all around us with open mind and wisdom then least we will realize that world which is apparent to us is at the most inferior level relative to the real absolute world. The reason- just look at the level of our ignorance, darkness, doubt, depression, devoid, divide, aimlessness, uselessness, chaos which prevails everywhere is the proof that our version of the world/reality lies at the rock bottom far from being the absolute. Like, just look at our food structure- why a lion is made to kill others for his food...why we all need to use/end/kill others for our food because all our fears, enmity starts from food. Wasn't there a better way to organize our energy requirements like straight from the sun...sit for some time in sun and it is done or some other better way...all this looks primitive. (This may also point towards something else- something here in our life is more important than all these things and that's why these things were not cared for much).

I think the best proof for the inferiority of our world is that with our current level of consciousness it is almost impossible for us to comprehend the beginning of this universe from nothing but this is going to be the ultimate reality and only we are unable to comprehend it.  Just like three dimensionality of the space which is also just our version because Universe is multi-dimensional. If God really wanted to create an absolute world then our current version could never be the best possible image. Life does not seem perfect here…death makes everything useless…someone could have made it much better so that means this is not the BEST world…our world looks incomplete. This appears more like a test facility.

We are here just to prepare ourselves for something much larger, vast and absolute. Many times I feel that after my death I would regain the consciousness as someone else may be in some other version of reality and the life which I have lived till death would appear more like a hazy dream and I may not even surprise at the end of this dream because in reality this version of mine never existed and all the time I was someone else in a much better reality and the journey of this Tier 3 world was part of something big.

Many times in my dreams, I have encountered and remember those memories and incidents which in real life have never happened with me. Like few days back, in my dream I was at a railway station with my brother and while standing there I remembered an old incident where one man shot at me with gun but I escaped narrowly with bullet brushing me. So that incident was a memory of Gurpreet of Dream but this incident has never happened with me in real life so then whose memory is that? I see these types of dreams regularly and now try to write them as soon as I get up. Many times when I am in half sleep I remember/see people, places, incidents which seem as real as anything can be but as soon as I wake up everything disappear into thin air…even after trying hard I could never recall anything of that state but I do remember that that was something very real.

So here in this Tier 3 world, we all try to avoid death and try to lead a life in denial but REALITY may be that the ultimate aim of our life/all efforts is just to get READY for this most important EVENT we call DEATH because if we can see there appears nothing much worth in this appears and is low grade. So maybe we should think of welcoming this Death with hope rather than despair as death may be the only good thing about this life. We may be wrong in thinking that death is the end of life but instead the reality may be that real Life begins only after death.

Time: An illusion or fourth dimension

This leads me to Time which is my favorite subject. Time has always fascinated me and every night when I lie on bed waiting for the mysterious sleep I think about the most mysterious- the time, its movement and try to visualize the spatial aspect of time (Space is the physical demonstration of time or time is another dimension of space).

Once I visited (encountered) a so called Guru and during discussion (In sat-sang) he remarked that our old Rishis were great and right when they said that in meditation we need to be in present (no thinking about the past and future). In life also, this is a lesson to live in present (Vartman) and not to worry about the past and future. While he was narrating this to the gathering he was demonstrating a mysterious smile (as if he can see their past and future).

When we were alone then I told him that he was giving wrong interpretations and turning the vision of our great sages into lower levels. He was not happy. But I told him that the Indian sages/scriptures have settled for only one reality of time and that is-NOW. But this “Now” is not the “Present” as is generally believed. Our rishis talk about the 3 time dimensions (Past, present and future) being only the one NOW…everything is Now and our “present” is only one segment of it…this is that part of “Now” which is grasped by our senses at the moment of transition. Our senses cannot grasp the other parts of this “Now” which are past and future.

We think that we understand time and consider past, present and future as 3 dimensions of time. Past we think does not exist and Future we think has not materialized yet and hence does not exist so only present is real and we exist in the present. But what really is Present? Do we really LIVE through present? Do we really feel it, touch it? Do we really know what the “Duration” of present moment is? I mean what is present moment? What is the length of present moment…whether it is 1 second or 1/10th or 1/50th of a second? But if we can sit for a while we’ll realize that we never feel any present moment at all. Can we feel, taste, differentiate or experience “a present moment” in its entirety? No! We can’t pin-point the real duration of this present moment because even one second has length and this one second has past, present and future. So what is the actual duration of moment of present-the now? Present seems more like a transient phase where future is fast turning into past. And if we can say “Stop” just now then I can tell you we’ll not be having a “still well defined material world” in front of us. In fact all we’ll have is only a lot of hazy lights, colorful lines all over the space because in reality we have stopped the “moment of transition” not the present.

Present moment is a non-perceivable moment where future is fast becoming past…when phenomenon exists for us for that extremely short duration of time. I think it is wrong to call it a duration but a point (of trasition) where things are continuously becoming past from future. Present has no dimension at all just like a speck of dust. Present is just a “small hole for us” through which we observe phenomenon in motion.

So it seems that past and future are more real than present and these 3 must co-exist to create the eternal NOW only we can’t see them together. The past and the future cannot be non-existent for if they do not exist then the present does not exist either. They must co-exist together somewhere…in another dimension unknown to our senses.

Just like a video game….past and future events exists with all possible outcomes….consciousness is just a medium to experience the phenomenon as per the choice. The events take place and consciousness can shape them but still they are confined to the physical and quantum laws of this material (not sure) world. Within these laws every event holds a definite potential of occurring.

The moment of present as we call it, is nothing but a perception of the fourth dimension of existence. Present is always a small point where future is becoming past at fast pace in reality it never exists. It is just another “dimension” to feel the world…world as we know not real. Time becomes a dimension for lower dimension beings like a two dimensional animal will see the 3rd dimension of a cube as something past, present and future events as he can’t conceptualize a cube as a whole as a 3rd dimension thing. So time comes into existence whenever a low dimension being faces a higher dimension. When a 1D line becomes a 2D surface then breadth dimension will appear like a time to a 1D being as he can’t see 2D as a whole. So the present we feel and time movement we feel is nothing but the existence of 4th dimension which we feel as passing of time.

A 2D being will feel the 3rd dimension of a cube as a movement of 2D surface…movement in time…the 3rd dimension of height will appear as time to him. So for them the space means 2D+T. I feel constrained to say time as the 3rd dimension because we can see it is not…it just appears as time when in reality it is height…a physical dimension.

When a line moves in the direction contained in it…it is in one dimensional world so as a surface in 2D or a cube in 3D world. But when they travel in a direction not contained in it (but perpendicular to it) then they are moving higher up in the order so when a 2D object moves upwards or downwards he is entering into 3D world. So just like it when a 3D object moves in a direction not contained in it then it is entering the 4D space and can we say that the only dimension seems capable of being perpendicular to the 3 spatial dimensions of the 3D world is “time”?

I think I need to stop here as the things are really getting complex (may be interesting too) and it is better to take a breather now. I think now in order to explain the relationships of 3D space with higher dimensions I will have to use images otherwise we may not be able to visualize the fourth dimension. So I am stopping here for time being…will continue the journey soon…although it seems impossible for me to stop the flow in my mind.

(Reach me at


  1. This is by far the most interesting post you have ever posted here. Lots to thing about. Please Keep it coming

  2. If you haven't given meditation a shot, please try the 10 day Vipassana course in the tradition of SN Goenka Guruji. I also urge you to try learning the Yoga school of philosophy. Edwin Bryant's book The Yogasutras of Patanjali is an excellent place to start.

  3. A true Guru always takes you to God does not merely bind you in his words. He himself is God realized. Such Gurus, although less do exist. And when you meet such a Guru, you start becoming fearless. We don't find a Guru but he presents himself when the disciple is ready. And he is your channel to God.So don't lose faith in a true Guru just because of few fake ones.

    1. Hi Dear, actually if you see the motive of this post is not about proving the worth of a Guru. As I have mentioned at the beginning that this series is an attempt to comprehend death and the presence of Supreme Being behind this creation from real life data and phenomenon scattered around us. So this post mainly covers this aspect not about Guru. I adore our great Gurus and Sages/Deities like Lord Krishna, Shiva, Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Gobind singh, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, jiddu krishnamurti and many more. In fact when I think about these super beings I feel goose bumps. But the point here is that people take religion and our great scriptures just a reference to God and religion for them ends at is part of their daily routine world (Duniya dari)…they need religion and God for good job, marriage and money but never to absorb, live and understand the real essence of this life. So this post is not about the Guru but about the perspective of our generic religious beings towards religion, karma and God. Even if they find Lord Krishna in front of them…all they will ask for is money or success…nobody will ask for the God…mystery of life and death.

      Further, if you can see I have not used the word “Guru” in generic sense in the entire post. Because a Real guru will not allow you to indulge in all this nonsense…he’ll kill you until you observe the uselessness of this world and begin your journey towards the supreme mystery. Fake Gurus are created by Fake disciples looking for world not God…a real disciple with real thirst for God will expose the fake gurus…just like Lord Buddha when he was looking for God because Understanding the meaning and essence of life was matter of life and death for him.

  4. Dear Sir

    Good Morning

    Kindly update your thoughts on the current market situation . Will give us some directions

    1. Hi Dear...better to be in wait mode. The threats related to Covid due to which market tanked are still there so i think it is better to wait for some recovery from covid. I think one or two months lockdown is not going to hit the economies hard so we are still not in a major red zone. The only thing is-whether after Covid there is a structural shift in the demand side like demand for cinemas,tourism, restaurants may see some major long term destruction although i think it is too early to reach at a conclusion right now.

      I amworking on the impact of covid on economies and likely winners (stocks) after the crisis is over.I have no doubts over the emergence of big winners from Pharma,speciality chemicals, Media Like TV18, Balaji tele or Zee and healthcare stocks like NH, Max India, Apollo etc. Will update through another post on it.

      Take care
